我们的Tatjana品牌正在成长! Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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作者:Tatjana Dzamov


介绍我们最新的护肤产品 & 美容产品

Tatjana’s newest products will take your current skincare routine to the next level.

These reimagined products go beyond basic skin maintenance. They fill in any gaps in your skincare routine to truly 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 缺失的皮肤.



With the launch of Tatjana’s new products, you are able to address more specific concerns. All products have been hand-picked by Tatjana to produce results that exceed your expectations.


  • Increases cell turnover to reduce visible signs of aging, including spots and hyperpigmentation
  • 提亮皮肤
  • 最大限度地减少发红


  • Ultra-moisturizing
  • 光滑和滋养皮肤
  • 增加硬度和弹性
  • 减少细纹,黑眼圈和浮肿


  • 提升和紧致皮肤
  • 修复皮肤屏障,提高皮肤弹性


  • 防水无香味
  • 持续80分钟


  • 结果早在4周
  • 加长、增厚、滋养睫毛


  • Deep hydration due to the presence of hyaluronic acid
  • 修复受损皮肤
  • 不油腻的配方,舒缓和滋养


  • 临床证明,镇静和舒缓皮肤
  • 减少红肿
  • 减少毛孔,细纹和皱纹


  • Exfoliates, moisturizes, corrects hyperpigmentation and age spots
  • 有助于防止未来的损害
  • Hydroquinone-free


最新的 睫毛和护肤产品 来自Tatjana的Donaldson整形外科, 沿着原来的路线, are medical grade and potent while remaining non-toxic, 无激素, safe for the body on a topical and internal level.

Boost the Benefits of the Products You Already Own, Including Tatjana’s Original Products:

  • 强化保湿霜
    • 滋润皮肤 to produce a smoother, softer, healthier look
  • 眼血清
    • 减少细纹和皱纹的出现
    • 滋润和丰满眼周区域
  • Ultra-Lite保湿霜
    • 滋润皮肤
    • 适合混合性和油性皮肤
  • 绿茶强化清洁剂
    • Deep cleansing of normal, combination and oily skin.
  • 性质温和的清洁剂
    • 温和的无皂清洁剂
    • 适用于普通、干性和敏感肤质
  • 防晒系数50+
    • 提供UVA和UVB防护的矿物SPF
    • 透明整理配方.
  • 光明的垫
    • 均匀因日晒和黄褐斑造成的肤色.
  • 糖酵解的垫
    • 刺激胶原蛋白和去角质
    • 减少细纹和皱纹


The skin is the largest organ of the body, what you apply topically can impact your health. 产品进入血液, which can have positive and negative effects on the body in the long run. 这就是为什么使用优质食材是如此重要. Tatjana equates the products we use as nourishment for your skin cells. If skincare is like food for the skin, then the ingredients must be safe and healthy.


When developing her product selection, Tatjana wanted something for everyone. She created a line with variety that would accommodate a wide range of skin types, 利益, 和预算.

All Tatjana products will always have something in common: quality. The ingredients inside are effective, potent, safe for all aspects of your health. 在选择这些医疗级成分时, Tatjana was also able to maintain an affordable price point for her patients.


Donaldson整形外科 has been honored to have Tatjana and her 25 years of aesthetic experience as our Senior 医疗 Aesthetician! 她的激情, 职业道德, overall expertise are a just few reasons why her patients return time and time again and have been for the past five years at DPS.

Tatjana is able to truly 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 your skin topically as well as below the surface. With over a decade of experience in the spa industry as well as ten years of training in dermatology, Tatjana performs a variety of offerings to provide the greatest benefits to you.

教育是Tatjana工作的重中之重. She is always taking initiative to learn more about 美学与护肤 因为她的工作是她真正的生活和呼吸. 多年来, Tatjana has been spreading her knowledge along to her patients to inform them about the importance of quality products and 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网ments to improve their skin and their bodies!


Tatjana embodies the concept of when you do what you love for a living, 你一辈子都没工作过. Learning about skincare and teaching others about it is her true passion. Because of this, she is always motivated to learn more.

Tatjana volunteered with the James Cancer Center for five years working with the “看起来不错,感觉更好”计划. 这是她最充实的经历之一, as she helped cancer patients find their confidence again. In a time of uncertainty and vulnerability for these patients, Tatjana was able to educate them about skincare and beauty techniques to help them feel beautiful. Tatjana carries these goals into her work with DPS- her mission is to guide her patients to become the most confident version of themselves.

Looking to Create a Custom Treatment Plan with Tatjana?

Give our office a call at (614)-442-7610, we can get you scheduled for a skincare consultation!

